| bushy, coupe, anyone, hunter, (a) sour note.
| garlic, infant, wrench, detach, occupy, studio, highly "sod" after.
Image from the Internet.
The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.
If you looked at this page earlier, you would have seen a note at the top saying that I was unable to find the J4 anywhere online. And that's still correct. But I WAS able to find a site that had the scrambled letters, the answer, and the cartoon. The only thing missing, other than the layout, was where the circles were, so I had to work backwards on that. If you see a Sunday J4 in a print newspaper, the circles could be different, but they'll still result in the same letters for the solution.
The second word can be parsed 2 ways, and I think the way my source had it was the weaker of the two. YMMV.
It's been a long night, and I haven't even started on a poem yet!
Nimrod was a hunter, the Orion of his day,
He had a bushy beard, and an anti-social way.
It struck a sour note when anyone got his ire.
He'd stomp into the woods, at poor creatures open fire!
He counted coup in tails that he would clip off.
Beavers counted extra, at Manx cats he would scoff!
To ward off a vampire, they say to use some garlic,
Which also works on crying infants with the colic!
If you would detach some thing that's bolted on,
A wrench will often help you bang on it till dawn!
If a studio you rent, artistic talents to express,
Still-lifes are recommended, without distracting breasts!
If your art is highly priced and much sought after,
You can tell the critics to sod off, you're the master!
We have to "Thank you for your service," Owen.
You really put in the hours, all to make things easer for us, to have both jumbles on Sunday.
Here's a response to J6:
"A Sought-After 'Hood"
The new infant grew the family too large
to continue to occupy their tiny studio,
yet wouldn't it be a wrench to splurge
for the semi-detached--all that extra dough?!
Wasn't this their chance for some good,
to escape this filthy, densely packed,
sweaty, garlic-stinking neighborhood?--
the city's worst drug & crime-ridden tract!
To make this work, they'd sell a kidney
to move to a place pimped out like Disney.
My goodness, Owen--what hard work you do for our blog--many thanks for that.
And then your wonderful verses, as well. I loved the garlic/colic rhyme--should have thought of that myself. Delightful.
And then the next treat, Ol' Man Keith's funny, crazy J6 verse, inspired by the needy infant in the Jumble. Selling a kidney?!!! Not many parents would do that for their kid--well, okay, unless it got them a "place pimped out like Disney"!
"Dutiful Nick"
Nick was quick to pick
a recipe using garlic.
His cooking he would wrench
to produce very little stench.
Cooking helped him detach
from chores harder to dispatch,
like having to care for his infant,
hard work that made him kin-pant.
A job not easy to occupy
since the baby would often cry.
But in his studio the little chap
would often calm down and take a nap.
Soon word got out on Twitter
that Nick was a great babysitter,
which caused both joy and laughter,
and made him highly sought after.
Owen, I think you're fantastic. Thank you so much for your efforts.
Owen ~ High points for style and cleverness today! I loved the flip, the contrast 'twixt Beaver tails & Manxes.
And I wondered if anyone would pick up on the nastier use of "sod" and, sure enough, it was you, our Master!
Misty ~ Busy Nick is certainly a responsible type. I hope he is well-compensated for his chores--other than his fatherly duties, of course.
But if he manages to rid the garlic of its odor, doesn't that weaken its flavor?
"kin-pant"? Full marks for creativity!
I hope Mrs. Nick is available for some of those hours.
Ol' Man Keith, I love the way you extend our verses into larger stories. I honestly did not have one moment's thought about Mrs. Nick. But, of course, there would be no infant without her, would there, so where is she? Maybe I should have added another couple lines to introduce her--whoever she was.
Thanks everyone. I got six J's earlier but couldn't grok the riddle-solution. I suspected SOD was in there.
Great poems everyone. I second appreciation for yeoman work from Owen to get both J's.
Misty , Nick is "easel"(ly) the best sitter in town. Does he PET SIT too?
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