All hints are in the comments!

Monday, May 30, 2022

30 May 2022

|Smiley face| _annoy, plunk, topple, common, monumental.
Image(s) from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Ol' Man Keith said...

Good Wishes, everyone ~ for a happy & peaceful Memorial Day.

FLN, Wilbur, while I embedded a Wordle clue in yesterday’s posting, I don’t mean to do that every day.
And I no longer play it myself, not at oll.

Opposite of Monumental Inflation

Plunk a common coin
down. Don’t let it annoy you
when prices topple.

CanadianEh! said...

It will annoy me to plunk down my money for a common lottery ticket. But since I was able to topple the Wordle today with a monumental score, I think I should make a purchase. Who knows, I may win and take off to some tropical atoll.

Wordle 345 2/6*


Misty said...

Our electricity went out at 7:30 this morning and just came back on two hours later. Not must my home, but apparently all homes on our street. I went across the street to ask a neighbor at 8 am and noticed on the way over that there were no lights anywhere. She confirmed that her power was out too. But at least the morning paper had arrived so there was a Jumble and crossword puzzle to do. Didn't stop me from coming up with a pathetic verse.

"Lousy Morning"

The garbage truck topple was accidental
but its effects were monumental.
There was no place for bad food to plunk
and so everyone's kitchen just stunk.
We could nothing useful deploy
so the whole business did all annoy.
In the end, we got together in common
and shared some ahi and ramen.
Along with some coffee in a cup
that finally did cheer us up.

Wilbur Charles said...

After yesterday's ignominy I was asked to snatch victory on the last try. Miami tried that last night when Butler shot an open 3.

But my Celtics prevailed.

OMK, your hint might have saved me but I figured it out before coming here.
Wordle 345 6/6


Similar to ABYSS last week

Misty said...

Not as quick as CanadianEH!, but got it in just four tries:

Wordle 345 4/6


Also, you did it again, Ol'Man Keith--all four Jumble words and solution in a delightful terse verse! Many thanks!

Ol' Man Keith said...

Congratulations to CanadianEh! & Misty on your "W" wins!
And I'm glad too for you, Wilbur--happy to see you did not need my "typo," after oll.

Good luck in that lottery, CE!.
Is that a state-sponsored game, or are we discussing the "Lottery of Life"?

Sorry for your power outage, Misty. I don't know if we were similarly afflicted, as I was not awake (rarely, if ever, am) at 7:30 a.m.

I hope the garbage truck spill was not also in your neighborhood today. From your lucid description, it was truly a stomach-churning odor.
That stench on top of the blackout would've added insult to injury (as they say), so I hope you were only exercising your poetic license.
(BTW, have you ever been asked to show your badge? The last time I was challenged, I'd left it in my other suit.
It was quite a prosaic incident.)

CanadianEh! said...

Nice work Misty. Four tries is great.

OMK, I was thinking of an Ontario lottery. I rarely win anything in any contest and don’t buy lottery tickets. Maybe if I get Wordle in one!

Misty said...

Thank you, Canadian, for the kind words about my Jumble.

No, Ol' Man Keith, there was no garbage problem this morning, only a power outage. I'm not sure how the Jumble words triggered a negative spirited poem from me, but maybe it was "common" words like "plunk" and "annoy" and "topple."

Anyway, I liked your positive economic haiku this morning--a good counter to my negative verse.

Wilbur Charles said...

Misty, but a happy ending with Ramen and ahi shared among friends

Wilbur Charles said...

I'm going to stick this here

Wordle 346 X/6


Pretty bad, getting four letters at #3 and having 3 guesses at that one letter. FYI, it wasn't J nor Y