All hints are in the comments!

Monday, May 9, 2022

9 May 2022

|Smiley face| _fight, finch, celery, absorb, branch office.
Image(s) from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Sandyanon said...

Not too high, not too low, strong and sturdy. Perfect!

Ol' Man Keith said...

Branch qua Battleground

Finches will fight you.
They can absorb blows. Do not
steal their celery!

CanadianEh! said...

This was a fight to the finish, as my brain could not absorb all the info after a weekend out of the office. I went out on a branch (with those birds) to solve the Wordle too. My embryo of an answer eventually prevailed.

Wordle 324 5/6*


Misty said...

"New View"

The board office had to fight
to absorb the new view in their sight
when the manager of their branch
resettled them near a ranch.

Now they do no longer flinch
when they hear the sound of the finch
who loves to peck at celery
while singing a lovely melody.

Ol' Man Keith said...

CanadianEh! ~ Neat embedding! I think I caught 4 of the 5 J-words in your cleverly designed post.
Am intrigued by your 4th stab on Wordle. Was it something to dine on?

Misty ~ I think we both learned some things about Darwin’s bird today, especially what might be included in its diet.
Congratulations to you for working in its musical talent!
Brava! (To the birds and to you.)

Misty said...

Yes, bravo to both of us, OMK, given the challenge of those unfitting Jumble words this morning. How does on combine ABSORB and FINCH with a BRANCH OFFICE in a verse? The only solution was to have that FINCH enjoy his or her CELERY.

CanadianEh! said...

OMK- the words today did not relate to each other very well, as Misty has noted. You have to go out on the branch and guess at the species, and I couldn’t work in that vegetable at all! My Wordle answer is embedded in the last sentence, (but as a synonym (to not give it away this early in the day). My first word was the vowel-rich one today.

Ol' Man Keith said...

CE ~ I thought you (almost) captured the species in your first phrase, just shy of that first comma.
But forgive this ol' brain, I can't quite get how your final sentence relates to the Wordle. A synonym of which word or words?
I'm dull today. I'll check back later--when it's safe to come out!

Wilbur Charles said...

Here's my wordle Wordle 324 5/6


Although I don't use hard mode I endeavor to follow the rules. If so I'd have got it sooner. I never got #2 nor #4 yesterday nor 3 and 4 today, but I usually work them out on paper.

Funny because I was very close to double FIR on the weekend where so many foundered. Then again...
Having the Saturday early is a big help and I didn't start until 8pm. on Sunday.

Two rules I follow: No lookups and don't give up. Saturday started to fall after an hour.


Ol' Man Keith said...

Again, not among my better efforts--esp with such a good start.

Wordle 324 4/6*


I learned (through Google) that finches will eat celery leaf.
I used that tidbit to inform my haiku (above) which, I am pleased to report, was the first ever to raise an audible chuckle from my wife.

Ol' Man Keith said...

I get it now, CanadianEh!. I just read that the Wordle people changed today's original word! They were afraid of giving offense.
Your final sentence now makes perfect sense--as a synonym for the original answer.

I guess this shows the folly of comparing our results. The game makers can change the outcome in mid-play.

Wilbur Charles said...

Over at CC they revealed the "offending" word: FETUS

Perhaps political not offensive is the point. I must have caught the new word.

I cannot remember file 5 minutes after solving. In fact I just solved today and can't remember

Here it is. Wordle 325 5/6


Florida theme.