All hints are in the comments!

Thursday, June 30, 2022

30 June 2022

|| _worry, afoot, swoosh, gotten, too sore to soar.
Image(s) from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Misty said...

Woohoo! Glad to see the Jumble is back on today.

"Party Planning"

The deadline made Helen worry
and obliged her to hurry and scurry.
The birthday party was afoot
and she had invitations put
to friends to get into a rush
and swoosh to buy presents, and hush
about what they had gotten
or forgotten.

In the end she was no longer sore--
for the birthday girl got a score
of more presents than ever before.

CanadianEh! said...

The game is afoot.
Swoosh. An ill-gotten goal.
I worry that the overworked cager
Will be too sore to soar tomorrow.

Wordle 376 4/6*


I just could not incorporate that Wordle answer into my offering today. I contemplated using it (with -er) instead of”cager” but that was too much of a stretch.
Loved your birthday party ado, Misty.

Ol' Man Keith said...

I think this was a farewell courtesy from our Owen.
Thank you, sir.

FLN, Wilbur & CanadianEh! ~ Some notes waiting there for you—and anyone interested in my late night ruminations on poetry, free verse, etc.

Re-posted from late-June 29:

Wordle 376 2/6



”True (Detective) Corps in Crore!”

The game’s afoot! And
Sherlock has gotten* their s’woosh**—
he’ll worry them home!
I dislike this word; there is no tense in which the simpler “got” wouldn’t serve as well.
** = the scent of their departing tracks.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Looks like Misty was the only poet to avoid the Conan Doyle quote re. AFOOT.

CEh! ~ A practical NBA concern, perhaps from a coach’s perspective?

Not an easy Wordle, my friends. The hint was “furniture used to store things.” I soon found it was not a CHEST.

So long; maybe Farewell!

Misty said...

Took me forever to get this Wordle:

Wordle 376 5/6


You're right, OMK--I never heard of Conan Doyle's "the game's afoot." Had to look it up.

Misty said...

Neat that you worked the "too sore to soar" into your entry, CanadianEh!.

Wilbur Charles said...

Reposting fln

Chet had gotten worried sick about pushing Lois to make the amends
"The game's afoot", he thought." Will it work? I guess it depends
On a Power greater than I". Still he thought, "Will Holly still be sore?"
And then the hug and, like a swoosh, into the blue his fears did soar.


Wilbur Charles said...

And here again is

Wordle 376 5/6


I had one letter after two tries, then four. How many days in a row have there been repeated letters in the final solution

Omk, I liked your CC diagonal today.

Misty , that saying is as well known as "It was the best of times..."

Our CC Detective Nero was patterned after Sherlock who was patterned after Poe's Detective

Speaking of. .
good luck on the Friday xword

Wilbur Charles said...