All hints are in the comments!

Monday, June 10, 2019

June 10, 2019

|| || house, crush, tendon, wooden, chewed her out.
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Ol' Man Keith said...

Must be Monday. Easiest J4 and solution in many a day.
Heheh. How to exult--whether to hoot or shout?!

Misty said...

Yes, this Monday Jumble was a delight, wasn't it? I got all four items without any problem, and the fun solution bubbled right up. So, didn't need Owen's poem for help, though I can't wait to see it--it will be neat and fun, as always.

Wilbur Charles said...

Since we had some Mudville today and Owen's out, I thought I give you something to chew on from March of '68

The Outlook wasn't brilliant for B's basketball that day
They'd lost to the Houston Cougars last time that they had played
A full house on hand , national TV, Billy Packers crew
Could coach John Wooden pull the Bruins through?

All depended on Alcindor, Kareem Abdul Jabbar
Was the tendon healed of UCLA's famous star.
They needn't have worried, they crushed the hapless foe
The second of seven championship banners in a row

Wilburforce Chesley

Ol' Man Keith said...

Thanks, Wilbur, for a neat contribution.
I hope Owen is enjoying a good day's rest. Meanwhile, you are upholding the blog's good reputation for fine versification!

Wilbur Charles said...

Thanks OMK. It certainly makes folk appreciate Owen.

Wooden "ruined" College Basketball by recruiting and expertly utilizing talent. Jabbar(Alcindor) followed by Walton.

I hated them thusly. But... I got tired of losing money on them so bet ON them in 1971. I gave six points.

Ucla "won" by 4 when time expired. But..
The refs called a foul at the buzzer and were determined that Henry Bibby shoot those FTs. But...

Where was Bibby? In the locker room, showering. He was escorted (back in uniform) back on to the court, crowd was cleared and given the basketball to shoot two MEANINGLESS free throws.

Meaningless except to all the gamblers especially me. And Henry did it. Sank'em both making the final score 68-62.

Bibby was an obnoxious b#$&Ard but I could never hate him after that.

Note, the final score only gave me a push not a win but it was money that stayed in my pocket.


OwenKL said...

Another day with the black dog. Pretty much slept round the clock. Most I came up with was random:
Reporters are interested in whys and hows.
When the rolling pin jilted the dough, he was crust!
His leg joint had a tendency to go out.
A defective prosthetic is a wouldn't leg.
When Gumby's ex came by, he shooed her out.

Misty said...

Neat poem, Wilbur--thanks so much for posting it. I don't know much about baseball, but still enjoyed it a lot. Hope Owen is okay and will return tomorrow. Meanwhile thanks for your help during the interim.