All hints are in the comments!

Friday, July 12, 2019

July 12, 2019

|| || honor, unity, admire, accrue, cued him in.
Image from the Internet, caption by Owen.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


OwenKL said...

Celebrity is such a useful tool.
Many are the perks that accrue.
People listen to what you have to say,
And sometimes even turn to think your way!

It's great to receive honor for your game,
Or whatever is the work to gain you fame!
To be admired, even looked upon with awe,
A role model, tho you must not have a flaw!

You have a chance to bring unity to strife,
To bring strength to another's life.
Celebrity is your cue to be like Him,
Or all those who inspired you to win!

Ol' Man Keith said...

Happy to see our own celebrity poet back in the saddle today!
And on the subject of absences:
The skinny cowboy asked his newly released sidekick what he found to be the worst part of prison life.
"It was the food, Slim Jim," was the reply.

Wilbur Charles said...

Owen, the fog is at bay. After the two fives the hard work began: two tough sixers. Then to unravel, backwards as it turned out.

I was using a bank statement and the available blank space ran out as I finally got clued in.

Nice uplifting poem, I like the capital H. My fellowship advises turning things over to Him.


Misty said...

Fun Jumble this morning. Got all words but the fourth, and came to Owen's poem for help. There it was in the second line, many thanks, Owen. Almost, almost got the solution with just a bitty problem. Really liked the cartoon, especially seeing it in color here at this site. I like the way all three fellows have different hair and different outfits, even different color ties. Creating all that variety must be fun for the cartoon artists. Not so crazy about the background, but at least it enlarges the room.

Have a great day, everybody!

Sandyanon said...

Well, here's the thing: I got all the clues, though I did have to stare at the third one for awhile. Then I wrote out the needed letters. Ended up misreading my "n" as an "r", which led me completely astray. Pretty sure what the middle word must be, but I just couldn't come up with any way to make sense of the remaining six letters.

So I went to your poem, Owen, which showed me what the first solution word must be but left me with nonsense for the last one. So I finally -- finally -- went back to the jumbled words and realized my mistake. Grrrr!!

Really enjoyed the poem, though a little taken aback by the third verse. But the discussion of celebrity-hood gave me to think, as your poems so often do, Owen. Yes, it carries perks and influence, but most of the celebrities with whom I'm at least vaguely familiar are definitely flawed. I'm thinking how very stressful it must be to have one's shortcomings and mistakes publicly discussed. Anonymity sounds better. Good thing I'm not a celebrity, then, isn't it, ho ho!!!

OwenKL said...

Sandy: I'm still one the atheist spectrum, but doesn't mean I can't exploit the language quirks. And sneaking in that capital H gave the word added camouflage, even while pointing it out at the same time!