All hints are in the comments!

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

July 16, 2019

|| || digit, human, expand, middle, hemmed in.
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


OwenKL said...

The Singularity will come
Humans will unite as one.
WiFi nodes implanted in each brain,
Our thoughts to all will be plain!

Digital intelligence is come.
Circuits will unite as one.
No longer need be artificial
True sentience will be official!

Both networks will unite, understand;
Consciousness of both will expand!
The Unwoke will be hemmed in the middle
Bought to this Rapture and riddle!

[If you want to go down the rabbit hole, here's the Wiki on the Singularity.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Thank you, Owen, for your happy celebration of the coming Singularity. It makes me glad to think our species may enjoy such a vast expansion of the better parts (presumably) of our civilization. I confess I am also relieved to leave the next steps in this great adventure to my high energy grandchildren, as I have some doubts about my own waning stamina. As Ricky Gervais said tonight on Colbert's show (with no self pity whatsoever), "Roll on, Death!"
And let's hope too that the high-tech pioneers of such a brilliant expansion don't happen to live on Manhattan's Upper West Side. That long blackout might have been a mite discouraging. The higher the sophistication, the greater the vulnerability.

Ol' Man Keith said...

I liked today's cartoon, even the way it offered a literal display of the seamstress' plight.
The solution put me in mind of Astronaut Collins' complaint when he finished the relatively minor task of preparing the lunar module's background music mix--to meet all the demands of Armstrong & Aldrin. The choices weren't exactly to his own taste, and it is rumored he referred to the tape as the LEM din.

Wilbur Charles said...

I had to work at #3. As I was jotting down letters the solution popped. OMK reminded me of the koolaid stand waiting for supplies and shouting "LEM's in?"

I'd say Orwell will have been proven 40 years prescient what with Google and the various smart devices, micro cameras etc, listening and watching everyone and everything.

And as Owen referred to yesterday, if you want to go back to the good old days of (enacted) mayhem there'll be a drone dropping by.


Sandyanon said...

Easy peasy jumble.

I cannot imagine a brain more creative than yours, Owen. Today's poem is so weird. I tried to go down that rabbit hole you provided, but didn't make it Very far. Is this a serious thing???

Anyway, thanks for your daily works, here and on the Corner.

Wilbur Charles said...

Btw, Sandy. My attempt to tape the tennis final was in vain. Direct TV failed me again. So extensions etc were moot.


Ol' Man Keith said...

WC ~
Makes me wonder if Lemon in! isn't closer in spirit to today's jumble. Finding the nearest rhyme wasn't all that easy. I had to do a few alphabet runs to go with the LEM.
I suppose we might have settled on the dreamer caught in a nightmare loop, who might be described as "REM'd in."

Sandy ~
My guess is it is pretty serious. But then it is hard to tell sometimes. My impression is that some SciFi fans are so obsessive as to overlap with the outliers among true scientists.
Isn't that as it should be? Scientists are generally such a skeptical bunch of peer-reviewing cynics, isn't it good to have some whose imaginations are as free as a poet's--even as Owen's?

OwenKL said...

The Singularity is a real concept, tho whether it will happen or when is anybody's guess. The link I gave was to the middle of the article that match my conception and the poem's. Above that was SkyNet scenarios. Ask any ten futurists what the Singularity will be and you'll get twenty different answers. In the poem I even identify it with the Christian Rapture.