All hints are in the comments!

Monday, July 15, 2019

July 15, 2019

|| || bossy, began, strict, upkeep, back to business.
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Ol' Man Keith said...

Enjoyed yesterday's poetry, Owen! Quite a neat run on Ms. Borden's story.
From what I've heard, the family relatives didn't care much for the parental pair. Some went on record saying they "didn't give a whack who Lizzy gets," but I think that was very mean spirited of them.
(Just my take on today's solution.)

OwenKL said...

Are we today in the days of the drone?
Such an unromantic theme for a poem.
But these mischievous toys
Flown by naughty boys
Have begun making news on their own.

They pose a danger to airplanes in flight.
Forced forest fire planes from the fight.
When a drone's around
Aircraft keep to ground.
They're in danger when a drone is in sight!

They've closed airports when seen by a witness.
Breaking strict rules on flying fitness.
The F.A.A. is bossy
About keeping up this hobby,
So that airports can get back to their business!

But from Russia there's relief from this fear
That a drone may end a promising career.
Since the Middle Ages
When warfare was wage-ed
Defense was maintained by the point of a spear!

Misty said...

Got all four Jumble words without any problem, and nice to see them all in your poem, Owen. But had trouble figuring out the solution and finally had to look it up. I have a troubling shoulder pain this morning (have had it for over a week now) so therapy may be in the offing for me, and the cartoon sure makes it look uncomfortable. Not looking forward to this. Have a good day, everybody.

Sandyanon said...

The jumble clues were easy, and the solution took only a few moments' thought. Okay pun, meh.

I really enjoyed the poem, but the last verse confused me. Probably I'm missing something obvious. Is there a news story about Russia and drones that I'm forgetting?

OwenKL said...

Sandy -- the final words of the poem are a link to the Russian story. Being an old SCAer, I found the video fascinating, but if that's not your thing, just the first and last few seconds are all that count. Imagine being at an event trying as much as possible to emulate the Middle Ages, and having a copter buzzing everything!

Sandyanon said...

Oh sorry, Owen, I should have recognized that as a link. It is interesting, and reminds me a bit of Civil War reenactors, and Renaissance Faires in the U.S.. I don't think often enough about the similarities in people's experiences around the world, rather than the differences.

Sandyanon said...

And P.S.
I didn't know about the SCA, but now I do!

Wilbur Charles said...

Misty, so sorry about the shoulder. Acupuncture? There's also electronic ACP. Betsy swears by it.

I got the four and eventually got down to work out the sol.

Pretty good spearwork. The comments on the link were funny. What the FAA didn't like was a piloted minidrone flown by a local man (I actually saw him cruising north along Tampa Bay).

He landed on the White House lawn.