All hints are in the comments!

Saturday, July 13, 2019

July 13, 2019

|| || prank, vague, wisdom, handle, down under.
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


OwenKL said...

I've seen Death, and I am smitten.
She has strange beauty all her own.
Tho her duties are forbidding
Cruelty is not in her bones.

She's not given to foolish pranks,
Nor is she vague when she's to strike.
Her victims often give her thanks
For the release from their plight.

Tho bodies are down, under-ground,
Their souls are what she handles, keeps.
Knowledge in the brain is found.
Wisdom, the person is what she reaps.

OwenKL said...

Man, that is one strange poem! Certainly Erato, not me! I've never seen anyone die, and as an agnostic doubt that there is a personal afterlife. I've had suicidal periods, but I assure you, today isn't one of them. If you ever saw the TV program "Dead, Like Me", a not-quite-comedy about a novice grim reaper, that's what I was trying to think of.

Wilbur Charles said...

Only the talent to harness Erato enables one to poetize disparate J words and their unrelated Riddle-Solution.

You are following an age old tradition in personalizing the Grim Reaper.

Spelling #2 was a chore. #3 held me for awhile. My method is to find three letter words and put the other letters on top.

I'll avoid hints on the solve.


Sandyanon said...

The jumble was amazingly easy for a Saturday. The pun was obvious, but cute, I thought.

Your poem, Owen, didn't seem as strange to me as it evidently did to you. Inevitably, I guess, as I get even older, I think more about death. Death isn't frightening, though dying gives me pause. Well, enough of that.

Never saw Dead Like Me.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Never heard of Dead Like Me.
Your poem, Owen--yours & Erato's--leaves me nearly speechless. As Sandy says, age brings us closer to the contemplation of death. A sudden, mindless end is a common diserderatum. It is the process of shutting down we do not want to face--and to some extent this is what is personalized in the character of the Reaper. His thinking, his deciding who is ripe & who gets a pass, is the only real embodiment of Fate.

Ol' Man Keith said...

As for today's jumble, it seemed unusually easy. The solution immediately brought to mind the British sub named after the great Haboob that destroyed several caravans in the U.K.'s Arab protectorates in 1922--H.M.S.Brown Thunder.

Misty said...

My goodness--I got all four Jumble words and the solution just jumped up at me (or in the other direction), and I came here wanting to celebrate. But what a sad and serious poem I found. Your explanation helped, Owen, many thanks for that, and it was nice to find all four words and the solution in your offering. Loved the cartoon, with (as always) three guys with different hair, cap, and ear-thing, pockets on one shirt but not the other, different pants, and a complicated machinery set up for this crew.
Delightful morning Jumble.